Thursday, December 1, 2011

Slacking Off in School /:

Why do students slack off in school? What causes them to do so? Well I asked 5 students I know pay the least attention in class 5 questions each & here is what they said. 

Student #1: Aleena Estes 
1.) What is it about school that you don't like? The other students.
2.) Why? They start too much drama. 
3.) What does that have to do with your education? They distract me from doing my work.
4.) Are you also distracting to other students or they just distract you from work? They just distract me. 
5.) If you were in a room without the people that distract you, would you then pay attention to your education, or would you still slack off? No, I'd start to pay attention. 

Student #2: Keishawn Love
1.) What is it about school that you don't like? The uniform & the food. 
2.) Ok, what causes you to slack off in class? It's too boring & I just decide not to pay any attention, & I don't like some teachers. 
3.) Do other students also distract you? Or is it just the lecture? Some students also distract me but the classes are very boring. 
4.) Do you think you could do good in class if you tried? If I tried I'm sure I would do good.
5.) So if the teachers were fun & classes were entertaining......? Then school would be a lot easier. 

Student #3: Omar Pasha
1.) Why do you slack off in school? I'm tired, bored & not focused in class or not into the subject.
2.) Don't you think about your future? Sometimes.
3.) What do you dislike about school the most? How long the classes take & how long it takes for school to end.
4.) Do you get distracted as much or is it just the class? Yes.
5.) What distracts you in class that doesn't let you pay attention? The people talking & fooling around. Pretty much anything that can catch my attention, & bordem.

Student #4: Anthony Ramirez 
1.) Why do you talk so much during class time? Because the teachers & classes are boring.
2.) What  is it about school that doesn't interest you? It's some classes that aren't interesting.
3.) Don't you ever think about how slacking off would affect your future? No, not really to tell you the truth.
4.) Are you okay with the grades you have? No, I want them to be higher so I could play sports.
5.) Does something somehow seem to distract you? The teachers are just boring, friends are entertaining.

Student #5: Wants to Stay Anonymous
1.) What classes do you not pay attention in at school? Math & chemistry.
2.) What are the first 3 words that pop up in your head when you hear the word 'school'? I need sleep.
3.) Why? Because we are in school too long & early.
4.) Do you imagine yourself with a successful future? Yeah.
5.) If school was more entertaining would you pay more attention? Yes, like a good song or a TV show.

Most of these students are slacking off over either distractions & point their distractions at other students, or they're bored & tired. In my opinion, I think it may be that they want some attention in the classroom (class clown) but I believe most students that slack off also want a good education & think of a successful future.