Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My First Blog Entry (:

Hey, this is my first blog post. I am new at blogging & I'm writing this as a part of my Journalism class at Sacramento Charter High School, I will be posting my assignments on this blog. In the mean time, let me tell you a little bit about some of my hobbies & interests.

First off, my name is Ashley Jamileth Chicas-Escalante. I love to sing & dance, it's one of my favorite things to do when I'm bored & when I just want to have some fun. I'm very silly & wierd but when a friend needs me I'm very serious & I listen. I have difficulties on technology but when it comes to problems with it in the house I'm always the one to go to. I love swimming, I have always wanted to learn to surf because I love the water, one day I hope of learning. 

I enjoy spending time with my friends & my boyfriend together because they always make my day complete. We always have the best times. I enjoy writing, typing & texting. I also like traveling on long hours, I hope of traveling the world & seeing all the places I've always wanted to visit. I'm also very interested in children. I dream of becoming an Obstetrician (a doctor in the delivery room) one day & live my dream. 

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