Thursday, December 1, 2011

Slacking Off in School /:

Why do students slack off in school? What causes them to do so? Well I asked 5 students I know pay the least attention in class 5 questions each & here is what they said. 

Student #1: Aleena Estes 
1.) What is it about school that you don't like? The other students.
2.) Why? They start too much drama. 
3.) What does that have to do with your education? They distract me from doing my work.
4.) Are you also distracting to other students or they just distract you from work? They just distract me. 
5.) If you were in a room without the people that distract you, would you then pay attention to your education, or would you still slack off? No, I'd start to pay attention. 

Student #2: Keishawn Love
1.) What is it about school that you don't like? The uniform & the food. 
2.) Ok, what causes you to slack off in class? It's too boring & I just decide not to pay any attention, & I don't like some teachers. 
3.) Do other students also distract you? Or is it just the lecture? Some students also distract me but the classes are very boring. 
4.) Do you think you could do good in class if you tried? If I tried I'm sure I would do good.
5.) So if the teachers were fun & classes were entertaining......? Then school would be a lot easier. 

Student #3: Omar Pasha
1.) Why do you slack off in school? I'm tired, bored & not focused in class or not into the subject.
2.) Don't you think about your future? Sometimes.
3.) What do you dislike about school the most? How long the classes take & how long it takes for school to end.
4.) Do you get distracted as much or is it just the class? Yes.
5.) What distracts you in class that doesn't let you pay attention? The people talking & fooling around. Pretty much anything that can catch my attention, & bordem.

Student #4: Anthony Ramirez 
1.) Why do you talk so much during class time? Because the teachers & classes are boring.
2.) What  is it about school that doesn't interest you? It's some classes that aren't interesting.
3.) Don't you ever think about how slacking off would affect your future? No, not really to tell you the truth.
4.) Are you okay with the grades you have? No, I want them to be higher so I could play sports.
5.) Does something somehow seem to distract you? The teachers are just boring, friends are entertaining.

Student #5: Wants to Stay Anonymous
1.) What classes do you not pay attention in at school? Math & chemistry.
2.) What are the first 3 words that pop up in your head when you hear the word 'school'? I need sleep.
3.) Why? Because we are in school too long & early.
4.) Do you imagine yourself with a successful future? Yeah.
5.) If school was more entertaining would you pay more attention? Yes, like a good song or a TV show.

Most of these students are slacking off over either distractions & point their distractions at other students, or they're bored & tired. In my opinion, I think it may be that they want some attention in the classroom (class clown) but I believe most students that slack off also want a good education & think of a successful future. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shakira's Hollywood Walk of Fame

When Shakira became the first Colombian this week to get her name on a world-renowned monument to the entertainment industry -- the Hollywood Walk of Fame -- the 34-year-old recording artist recalled what her mother told her at age 7. "One day, Shaki, your name will be here," her mother said when the two and a family friend visited Hollywood for the first time 27 years ago. For Shakira, the star marked a personal triumph -- as an artist and a Latina.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Art & Copy (:

1.)  - The people spend over $32 billion for an advertisement - Juice & sodas are always changing flavor but milk is always the same since the 1980's - $7 billion are spent on billboards every year - $2.7 million are spent on 30 second commercials - The men in the film are the ones that advertise for 'Apple'.
2.)  Advertisements helped Tommy Hillfiger by earning him a lot of money for the stuff he made.
3.) For a 30 second commercial it cost $2.7 million, I think it costs that much because the commercial is talking about something very important.
4.) Advertisement is like art because it's creative. People make their advertisement noticeable so it could catch people's attention somehow. I think it's like a pollution because some advertisements suck & they're not even worth the attention.
5.) The "Just Do It" motto had an impact on Nike by making a slogan. It made him successful & famous, his establishments have been around $9.2 billion.

Today in the World.......

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011: 

Happening NOW:

President Obama is in Australia where he announced a slightly expanded U.S. military presence. It’s raising some eyebrows in China.

Shots were fired at the White House.. apparently it happened Friday. One bullet was stopped by bullet proof window. Police looking for a suspect.
Congress will pass a bill today benefiting government contractors and vets.
White House coming under fire on a couple of points. Energy department emails suggest they wanted layoffs at Solyndra to be held off until *after* the midterm elections. And Doug McElway is taking a closer look at green energy loans and subsidies to big money donors. 

ISC Diary:

Internet System Consortium has published an alert earlier as they are investigating a potential vulnerability. There are reports of the DNS server software crashing while generating log entry. 

Tech Report: 

The house Judiciary Committee holds a hearing today on the Stop Online Piracy Act. Supporters say it's a strong measure against crime. Opponents say it will destroy the Internet as we know it. 

Katy Perry at Madison Square Garden: 

Katy Perry is at Madison Square Garden today. She is bringing the closing leg of her North American California Dream Tour to the legendary stage over there. She is going to be singing in the world's most famous arena! 

The Weather: 

Cloudy intervals in the rest of the mainland with the chance of a shower in the afternoon in Cantabria & early on the Ebro Valley. Clear & sunny in general along the coasts of the south & the SE of the country. Cloudy on the Canaries, especially in the north. & The wind will be generally week west across the mainland of Baleaes. 

Justin Bieber Paternity Suit Dropped:

Mariah Yeater has dropped her claim of being Justin Bieber's baby momma. She's withdrawing because she fears for her life & hopes to just settle the dispute confidentially. This Wednesday her lawyers had said she's withdrawing because of all the dead threats Bieber's fans have been giving her & for that, the paternity suit has been dropped. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Steve Jobs: Q&A's

1.) What adjective were used to describe Steve Jobs in the film? He was fun, creative, rude, a bully & inspirational.
2.) What other companies was Steve Job a part of besides Apple? NeXT & Pixar.
3.) What were the differences in terms of personality between Steve Jobs & Microsoft's Bill Gates? Bill was a better friend, but Steve was funner to be with.
4.) What criticisms were leveled in the film against Steve Jobs, about his personality & the way he used people? They said Jobs was interested in the money & if you weren't doing the job right, you were fired.
5.) According to the film, why was Jobs so successful? Steve Jobs learned from his mistakes & did better.
6.) The Industry that Job's Apple helped revolutionize? Animated films.
7.) Do you think Steve Jobs & Apple have had the impact that the film describes? Why? Yes, because people still look up to Steve Jobs even after his bullying & after his death.
8.) How do you & other people use Apple products today? We use them for music, surfing the web, searching news updates & watching videos.
---------- R.I.P. Steve Jobs ----------

Different Roles in the Media (;

A journalist collects all the information of recent events & writes about them. A reporter is often confused as a journalist but is actually a "type" of journalist. A journalist also writes about events on people, trends & issues happening & going on around us. 

Production Manager:
A production managers are responsible for the visions of a producer, director or choreographer. They coordinate the materials needed to make a production (lights, wardrobe, sound, etc.]. 
Advertisements is meant to pursuade a person to want to waste their money on either something that doesn't work or something that does. The goal of an advertisor is to earn money, to get the people to want what they're selling. An advertisement is also known as a commercial on television. 

Copy Editor: 
A copy editor improves the format style of a text. Copy editing is done before both typed & proofreading . 

An illustrator enhances illustrations in a story. A illustration describes what could not be described textually. Illustrations are also used in in advertisements, greeting cards, posters, books, magazines & newspapers. 

A salesman sales thing out of buildings. They could be selling cars or walking around neighbors offering sales. 

A blogger blogs. Blogs contain individual projects. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Devouring Book Review (:

The Devouring by Simon Holt:

The Devouring is a great book if you're looking for a good scare. The Devouring is about these monsters called 'Vours'. Vours are made of oily smoke, they inhabit a person's body when they're scared the most.  Regina (Reggie] Halloway & her best friend Aaron Cole find a journal titled, "The Devouring", which is written in first point of view by a woman named Maci, she talks about how Vours have taken over her brother's body & that Vours have tortured her. Reggie & Aaron believe it's just a made up journal by a crazy woman. But when Reggie's little brother Henry goes from sweet & innocent to rude & vicious, suspicions hit Reggie & Aaron, it soon becomes obvious a Vour has taken over Henry's body & they start to believe Vours are real. Vours get power through fear, they show people their worse fears in their minds & make them believe their fear is happening, when it's only, all in their head. Reggie & Aaron must build up the courage & face their fears if they want to save Henry & get his soul back. .............. The Devouring is a Must-Read for teenagers everywhere, especially to get a good scare.