Monday, November 14, 2011

Steve Jobs: Q&A's

1.) What adjective were used to describe Steve Jobs in the film? He was fun, creative, rude, a bully & inspirational.
2.) What other companies was Steve Job a part of besides Apple? NeXT & Pixar.
3.) What were the differences in terms of personality between Steve Jobs & Microsoft's Bill Gates? Bill was a better friend, but Steve was funner to be with.
4.) What criticisms were leveled in the film against Steve Jobs, about his personality & the way he used people? They said Jobs was interested in the money & if you weren't doing the job right, you were fired.
5.) According to the film, why was Jobs so successful? Steve Jobs learned from his mistakes & did better.
6.) The Industry that Job's Apple helped revolutionize? Animated films.
7.) Do you think Steve Jobs & Apple have had the impact that the film describes? Why? Yes, because people still look up to Steve Jobs even after his bullying & after his death.
8.) How do you & other people use Apple products today? We use them for music, surfing the web, searching news updates & watching videos.
---------- R.I.P. Steve Jobs ----------

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