Monday, November 14, 2011

Different Roles in the Media (;

A journalist collects all the information of recent events & writes about them. A reporter is often confused as a journalist but is actually a "type" of journalist. A journalist also writes about events on people, trends & issues happening & going on around us. 

Production Manager:
A production managers are responsible for the visions of a producer, director or choreographer. They coordinate the materials needed to make a production (lights, wardrobe, sound, etc.]. 
Advertisements is meant to pursuade a person to want to waste their money on either something that doesn't work or something that does. The goal of an advertisor is to earn money, to get the people to want what they're selling. An advertisement is also known as a commercial on television. 

Copy Editor: 
A copy editor improves the format style of a text. Copy editing is done before both typed & proofreading . 

An illustrator enhances illustrations in a story. A illustration describes what could not be described textually. Illustrations are also used in in advertisements, greeting cards, posters, books, magazines & newspapers. 

A salesman sales thing out of buildings. They could be selling cars or walking around neighbors offering sales. 

A blogger blogs. Blogs contain individual projects. 

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